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sexta-feira, junho 21, 2024
Home FR Popular culture icon Françoise Hardy has died

Popular culture icon Françoise Hardy has died


The singer died on June 11, on the age of 80. The star of the yéyé years leaves a legacy of masterpieces for French chanson.

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gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Popular culture icon Françoise Hardy has died

The French singer and popular culture icon Françoise Hardy was a continuing presence for 5 a long time. She remained the image of an evanescent youth, even when she appeared terribly skinny, her options hollowed out by her lengthy battle towards sickness, on the perimeter between braveness and hypochondriacal phobia. From her early days as a yéyé idol, she chronicled the passage of time, the dangers of existence and the permanence of life. Her elusive, ethereal voice expressed her melancholy and her attachment to “black bile,” one of many 4 moods outlined by the medical doctors of yesteryear, the one which drove individuals to unhappiness. “I really like nothing a lot because the wound protected by the wall of its appearances,” wrote Hardy, an distinctive lyricist, in Clair-obscur (2000).

Her buddy and former lover Jean-Marie Périer, who photographed the white-haired girl in a white jacket and shirt for a tribute ebook printed in 2011, was, as he remarked then, the identical slim, sleek creature he had first met in Paris, in 1962, “at her house, Rue d’Aumale. It was her mom who opened the door. Behind it was this apparition that by no means left me.” Nothing since had thickened the lanky teenager raised in Paris by a single mom. Stricken with lymphoma, then most cancers of the larynx, and liable to repeated falls and fractures for a number of years, Hardy bowed out for the final time on June 11, 2024. It was her son, Thomas Dutronc, who broke the information on Instagram. His put up merely learn, “maman is gone.” Hardy was 80 years previous.

She was born in Paris on January 17, 1944. She was a Capricorn, the signal of the chilly planet of Saturn – the lead of alchemists. These are all issues that mattered to her: Hardy fell in love with astrology within the Seventies. She wrote a number of books on this topic and held common radio broadcasts on RMC. She spent a number of time calculating the steadiness of days and nights, pondering the virtues of equinoxes and solstices, conforming to her nature: “I merely have the isolation of the introvert,” she instructed Le Monde in 1996. “Sergio Leone, evaluating his work with that of John Ford, stated: ‘In his movies, you open the home windows. In mine, you shut the door, and if you happen to open it, you threat taking a bullet between the eyes.’ I’ve at all times lived within the torments of the eagerness I’ve created for myself. Being a misanthrope, once I get connected to somebody, it takes on huge significance. Once I was a toddler, I had inordinate emotions for my mom. I am amazed to have skilled such violence, for therefore lengthy, and nonetheless be alive.”

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