31.6 C
Los Angeles
quarta-feira, julho 24, 2024

Yvonne Furneaux obituary

The actor Yvonne Furneaux, who has died...

Letter: Stuart Weir obituary

Stuart Weir was the wildest soccer fan...

Michael Neal obituary

My father, Michael Neal, who has died...


Muere la actriz y modelo Teresa Gimpera a los 87 años

La modelo y actriz Teresa Gimpera ha fallecido este martes en Barcelona a los 87 años, según ha informado uno de sus hijos. Gimpera, nacida en Igualada (Barcelona) el...

Peter Charlesworth obituary

The main leisure agent and producer Peter Charlesworth, who has died aged 93, was...

Roberta Taylor obituary

When she was supplied the position of the matriarchal Irene Raymond in EastEnders, Roberta...

Abdul ‘Duke’ Fakir obituary

Abdul “Duke” Fakir, who has died aged 88 of coronary heart failure, was the...

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