VE Day 2020 in obituaries: six women and men with uncommon hyperlinks to VE Day


gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - VE Day 2020 in obituaries: six women and men with uncommon hyperlinks to VE Day

Sarah Baring, debutante who sneered at Hitler, labored at Bletchley and met her husband the inheritor to a viscountcy on VE Day

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Pearl Hackney, actress well-known on wartime radio who appeared in VE Day present at London Palladium

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Norman Longmate, historian of on a regular basis life who in Hamburg after VE Day was shocked to see the devastation brought on by Allied bombing

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Leslie Kerswill, escaped PoW who walked 1,300 miles to freedom and arrived dwelling the day after VE Day

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Pam Powell, wartime Whitehall secretary who was in an workplace simply behind the balcony from which Churchill addressed the crowds on VE Day

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Derek Barsham, boy soprano whose rendition of Land of Hope and Glory was broadcast by the BBC on VE Day

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