Brexit: 5 of the unique Eurosceptics in obituaries from the archive


gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Brexit: 5 of the unique Eurosceptics in obituaries from the archive

Christopher Frere Smith: The unique Eurosceptic, who led the marketing campaign to maintain Britain out of the Widespread Market within the early Seventies

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Supply: Invoice Beck

Nevil Johnson: educational who was  was an vital affect on Margaret Thatcher and her successors as regards the EU

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Credit score:

Supply: Nuffield Faculty Library

Sir Eric Bullus: spoke passionately in opposition to membership of the Widespread Market through the intense debates of the early Seventies

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Maurice Allais: delighted Eurosceptics by his opposition, virtually distinctive amongst French economists, to the one European foreign money (but additionally argued that the foreign money’s introduction ought to have been preceded by wholesale European political union)

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Credit score:

Supply: AFP/Getty 

Sir Alan Walters: Eurosceptic monetarist and financial coverage adviser to Margaret Thatcher

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Supply: Srdja Djukanovic


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