Letter: Sir Bobby Charlton obituary


After the Munich air catastrophe of 1958, Bobby Charlton clearly felt a way of duty in direction of the England group, which he joined quickly after, simply as he did to Manchester United. Each have been being rebuilt round Bobby as their greatest participant.

At a e book awards occasion in London a long time later I thanked him for the whole lot he had carried out for either side, together with his fantastic thunderbolt targets and his spectacular 60-yard cross subject passes – my all-time favorite footballer, not only for his talent however for the sporting approach he performed the sport and performed himself.

Lastly I thanked him for maintaining alive the reminiscence of his eight team-mates who had died at Munich. As we spoke I turned very conscious of the tears welling up on Sir Bobby’s face, displaying how the uncooked emotion of Munich was nonetheless very near the floor.


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