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domingo, junho 30, 2024

Monthly Archives: Fevereiro, 2024

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Jorge Toro: el héroe que ganaba herido

El 16 de junio de 1962, Chile saltó a la cancha del Estadio Nacional a concretar la mayor hazaña de su historia futbolística: alcanzar...

Muere el physician Bartolomé Beltrán, referencia de la divulgación médica en televisión y radio, a los 74 años

El physician Bartolomé Beltrán, referente durante décadas en la divulgación médica en televisión, radio y prensa, ha fallecido este sábado a causa de una...

Kenya mourns the sudden loss of life of marathon runner Kelvin Kiptum

Kenya mourns the sudden loss of life of marathon runner...

Alexei Navalny didn’t simply defy Putin—he confirmed up his depravity

HE WAS JUST an peculiar fellow. Nothing exceptional about him. He was Everyman, each Russian; one of many tons of of hundreds whose voices...

John Rhys obituary

My father, John Rhys, who has died aged 95, made a quiet however vital contribution to bilingualism in Wales by his work as a...

Jeremy Cameron obituary

My good friend Jeremy Cameron, who has died immediately aged 76, throughout a vacation watching cricket in Grenada and Trinidad, was a former probation...

John Powell obituary

My former colleague and good friend John Powell, who has died aged 92, was an award-winning and impressive producer of drama and humanities programmes...

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